Letter of Offer
1. My grant application has been approved. How do I accept my Letter of Offer?
Only your company’s Acceptor in Corppass can accept the Letter Of Offer (LOF). Viewers and Preparers are not authorised to accept the LOF.
To find out what your Corppass role is, look for the role label next to your login account name, in the masthead.
If you are the Acceptor for your company, click "View offer" for the approved grant from the ‘Updates required’ tab on the ‘My Grants’ page.
Download and read the LOF, then click ‘Accept’ to accept the terms and award of the grant.
2. How do I change my role from Preparer to Acceptor to accept the Letter of Offer?
If you are the company’s Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer or equivalent and would like to change your role from Preparer to Acceptor, your Corppass admin can assign the appropriate e-service role for you.
The applicant company’s Corppass Admin would need to add in the “MTI – Business Grant Portal (BGP)” digital service:
Login at www.corppass.gov.sg
Go to ‘e-Services’ -> ‘Select Entity e-Services’
Type “bgp” in the search bar to the right (next to ‘filter’)
Tick the box on the left of “BGP”, then press ‘Next’
a. If there is no checkbox to tick, you may skip ahead to Step 7 below. -
Press ‘Next’ and ‘Submit’
Press ‘Return to Homepage’.
After adding BGP for the company, the Admin would then need to assign it to the relevant staff:
Go to ‘e-Services’ -> ‘Assign selected e-Services’
Tick the box next to the relevant staff’s name and press ‘Next’.
Type “bgp” in the search bar to the right (next to ‘filter’)
Tick the box on the left of “BGP”, then press ‘Next’
a. Select the “Acceptor” role.
b. “Authorization Effective Date” can be today.
c. “Authorization Expiry Date” can be left blank. -
Press ‘Next’ and ‘Submit’
If you are unsure of who your Admin is, you may use your SingPass to check on the identity of your entity’s Corppass Admins and Sub-Admins:
Go to www.corppass.gov.sg
Click on ‘Services’ > ‘Find Your Corppass Admin’
Login to SingPass
Enter the company’s UEN
Press ‘Search’ (the respective admins’ names will be displayed)
For further enquiries regarding Corppass roles, please refer to the Corppass User Guide.
3. My CEO/MD, who is authorised to accept the Letter Of Offer, has left the company. How do I update Business Grants Portal and Corppass with the new CEO/MD's details?
Your company’s Corppass administrator just needs to assign your new CEO/MD the Business Grants Portal acceptor role, so that they can accept the Letter Of Offer.
If you haven’t submitted your grant application, update your Letter Of Offer addressee.
If you have submitted your application and it hasn’t been approved, contact the processing agency. They will return your application, so you can update it.
If you have already received a Letter Of Offer, your new CEO/MD will be able to accept it when your Corppass administrator assigns them the rights. Do remember to update the grant processing agency and ACRA of the change in management.